Giulia Cortesi is an Italian avvocato and an avocat at the Paris Bar. She is a partner of Kern & Weyl law firm and a CastaldiPartners Consultant in the framework of the Intellectual Property Alliance. Giulia Cortesi assists firms in all areas of intellectual property, in the fashion, luxury, design, food as well as in the innovative technologies sectors. She has a considerable experience in French-Italian affairs and is perfectly comfortable in both legal systems.
Giulia Cortesi holds a French Italian Ph.D. in Law of Economy and Business comparative and uniform commercial law and a French Master degree in Intellectual Property. She joined Kern & Weyl in 2013 after having practiced in intellectual property for a few years in Italy. Considering her significant transnational experience, Giulia Cortesi has naturally developed an international clientele with a specific focus on French and Italian cases and clients.
Giulia Cortesi has more than ten years experience in IP litigation and collaborates with the customs authorities to fight counterfeits on a regular basis. She also advices many clients in the course of the acquisition and management of intellectual property rights and is appreciated for her capacity to skillfully put in place strategies to prevent and solve conflicts. She works in Italian, French and English.
Representative Matters
- Advising an Italian fashion house leader in the menswear for the IP protection.
- Defending a US company in the course of a patent litigation regarding an innovating patented system of glasses.
- Defending an Italian company of the textile industry, in a copyright infringement action related to the sale of a specific lace.
- Assistance of an Italian company in the pharmaceutical field in the course of pre-litigation demands concerning the use of trademarks and other names in France.
- Representing an Italian company in the industrial sector in the course of a patent infringement action.
- Assistance of an Italian company in the field design furniture regarding a customs seizure.
- Assisting a French company in the field of computing regarding a software copyright assignment and the fixation of the terms and conditions of the projects exploitation with its business partner.
- Acting for a luxury shoe designer against a chain of shoe shops that was selling several infringing copies.
- Assisting the an Italian company in the industrial sector for the drafting of a consortium agreement within a scientific R&D project.
- Assisting a French hotel group in a pre-litigation case regarding the services of well-known Italian designers (architecture and furniture design).
Speaking Engagements
- She regularly takes part in seminars and conferences in Italy and France on topics related to Intellectual Property and among others those organized by the Università Luiss Guido Carli Roma and the Université de Nantes.
- Training course « Art and architecture publishing » organized in Rome by MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle arti del XXIX secolo.
- “Gli abiti sono opere collettive ergo la titolarità è della società! Nota alla sentenza della 3° Chambre del TGI di Parigi del 17 marzo 2016” – May 2016
- La propriété intellectuelle, de l'imtériel à l'invisible - Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur André Lucas, LexisNexis, .July 2014 .
- Il motore di ricerca dei profumi – Pubblicita’ comparativa illecita e contraffazione” , May 2014.
- “I nuovi disegni e modelli: una disciplina in cerca di autonomia. Uno studio comparato nell’esperienza italiana e francese”, in “Rivista del diritto del commercio internazionale”, Anno xx Fasc. 2-2006, p. 303-320.
- “Nouvelles de l’étranger, « Lettre d’Italie ». « Propriétés intellectuelles », n°20 juillet 2006, p. 366-371;
- “ Marchio commerciale e società di calcio: idiosincrasia e mal celata passione”. In “Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport”, Vol II, Fasc. 3, 2006, p. 57- 67.
Academic Activities
- Teaching as Qualified professional at the Master French-Italian Cultural Industries at the Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle – Paris 3, 2018.
- Teaching Italian law since 2016 at the Université de Nantes “Master II Juriste trilingue” (Master II trilingual lawyer).
- Visiting professor at the Master II « Propriété Intellectuelle » at the Université de Nantes University, 2011.
- Researches and teaching private civil comparative law at the LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, 2009 – 2012.
- "Docteur franco-italien" en droit commercial comparé et uniforme, Università Roma La Sapienza et Université d’Aix Marseille III
- Université Aix Marseille III, Master II de recherches en “Propriété intellectuelle”
- Università Rome La Sapienza