Relevant Cases
- Advising a company in the energy sector on various legal aspects of its sustainability initiatives, including the prevention of greenwashing issues.
- Representing an Italian company in the energy sector in an ICC arbitration relating to a shareholder dispute (seat: Geneva; applicable law: Spanish Law; language: English and Spanish).
- Representing a US company in an ICC arbitration relating to the nuclear energy sector (seat: Brussels (Belgium); applicable law: French; language: English).
- Representing an Italian company in an ICC arbitration relating to a joint venture dispute in the energy sector (seat: Paris (France); applicable law: Italian; language: English).
- Representing an Italian company in an arbitration before the Foreign Trade Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia relating to the natural gas industry (seat: Belgrade (Serbia); applicable law: Serbian; language: English).
- Representing an Italian company in an ICC arbitration relating to a shareholder dispute in the renewable energies sector (seat: Paris (France); applicable law: Italian; language: English).
- Advised an Italian group in the energy sector on the sale of its subsidiaries in France.