Alberto Dubini and CastaldiPartners with Palamon Capital Partners and Ivory SPV
On 15 September, Ivory SPV, the issuer of securities subscribed for Palamon Capital Partners, agreed a contract for the sale of the entire loan portfolio to Best Capital Italy, a member of the Best Group, for a total nominal value of approximately 170 million euro.
Palamon Capital Partners and Ivory SPV were advised by Alberto Dubini and a team from CastaldiPartners, consisting of Andrea Campilungo and Lisa Alice Julien in coordination with Enrico Castaldi.
PwC assisted on the financial aspects.
Best Capital Italy, of which Lucio Ranaudo is the Country Head in Italy, was assisted for tax purposes by Sergio Sottocasa of TFP & Associati, and for legal aspects by Raynaud Studio Legale, with a team consisting of Daniele Raynaud, Antonio Campagnoli and Giovanni Calvi.