Enrico Castaldi of CastaldiPartners featured on ItaliaOggi Sette
The professionals of the future are at the centre of the article in ItaliaOggi Sette entitled "Law firms, talent wanted for the lawyers of tomorrow", which looks at the initiatives taken by Italian firms to attract new people and skills.
Enrico Castaldi, founding partner of CastaldiPartners, also spoke on the subject: "The mobility of lawyers is a phenomenon that affects us, although certainly on a smaller scale. This new trend worries us because we invest a lot in the professional growth of the new generations. We have therefore developed our focus on the 'welfare' of young lawyers.
In the first place, all our lawyers sign a collaboration contract, which we consider to be one of the most favourable for the collaborator in terms of welfare and protection of the 'weaker' party. After the Covid period, we have maintained a strong characterisation of smart working opportunities. In 2023, we introduced a policy of remuneration transparency, with the alignment of our lawyers' salaries in Paris and Milan. We also give our young lawyers full visibility of the evolution of their salaries during their first five years with us".