CastaldiPartners advised Eutelsat and Techinvest on the sale of Wins Limited to SpeedCast
Eutelsat S.A., one of the world’s leading operators of communications satellites, and Techinvest Limited have sold their respective interests in the Maltese provider of maritime connectivity services, Wins Limited, and its German subsidiaries, toSpeedCast International, a leading global network and satellite communications service provider.
The sellers’ legal team comprised CastaldiPartners (Gaspare Dori, Steven Sprague and Pietro Boccaccini), MAMO TCV (Andrew Muscat, Maria Bonello and Mikiel Calleja), BRL (Dominik Demisch) and Commeo (Christoph Weinert). The sellers’ were also advised by Deloitte Conseil Finance (Charles Bedier, Emmanuel Aubry and Henri Guilbert) and RSM (Timothy Zammit and George Gregory).
The buyer’s legal team comprised Bird & Bird (Hans Peter Leube, Struan Penwarden, Kai Kerger, Nikos Jongen and Zoe Feller) and GVZH (Andrew J. Zammit, Jeanelle Cachia, Luca Vella and Karl Briffa). The buyers were also advised by PwC (Gareth Tippett and Russell Wenman).